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Hi! My name is Muhammad Fachreza Rahmadian. I was born in Surabaya, 26 November 1998,

and Surabaya is also my hometown. I’m 15 years old now, and I can’t believe it! I have a mixture

of Javanese, Arabic, and Sundanese (and even –gasp!- Dutch, presumably) blood running in my vein.That’s why I look like some sort of “light colored” (I won’t call it white) and also, back at elementary school, many people called me Mr. Bean :D.


I came from a relatively small family, which is my dad, my mom, and my sister, and I love them very much!! And as you can see, I’m a 3rd grade student at SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya (and yes, it’s a junior high school).


Let me tell you more about myself. First of all, I like history because it is fun to learn about past and take lessons from them. That’s why at home, I have LOTS of historical books, mostly biographies.

I also like automotive world, specifically about cars. And that’s why (again), I have some car magazines at home. Ask my friends at school. You will know from them that I bring those books to school! So if you want to chat with me about both of the topics above, you know my doors are  always open! (means I’m willing to talk about it).


I’m also a fan of Assassin’s Creed and Need for Speed franchise. And btw, need for speed (NFS) is the reason why I love cars! I’m also good (I was gonna call it excellent, but then I realized I’m not that much excellent) about religion, specifically Islam since I’m a Muslim. I have been following many extracurricular activities in my entire life: drawing class and English Today back at the elementary school, scouts and Karawitan (some sort of Indonesian, or to be exact, Javanese traditional instrument) recently at junior high school.


I like philosophy, a little bit psychology, politics because I like analyzing my behaviour and behaviour of another’s. I always consider myself as an explorer, because in many aspects of my life, I like to learn and do new things in life. And I dream to be able to travel to many places around the world! That’s why I am collecting brochures and visiting websites of other countries tourism websites! I recently learned Dutch from my grandma (including –gasp!- swear words). And back at my elementary school, I also learned Arabic, which now I am kinda of not so skilled at all.


If you want to contact me, you can use any of my two emails. Oh wait, did I just said two? I mean THREE emails: (this is my most frequently used email, used for facebook and amongst other things) (this is my twitter and tumblr email account)

and –brace yourself!- (this is used for bbc indonesia newsletter and goodreads)


I also have facebook account : Muhammad Fachreza Rahmadian

And a twitter account: @M_fachreza98





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       About Me                          My School                          Our Indonesia

Muhammad Farcheza Rahmadian

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